Thursday, October 13, 2011

Color Channel separation in Matlab

RGB color channel separation for a 3-channel-truecolor RGB image.
Matlab can read an image by imread
For example let's read the image called "3_channel_color_image.png"

This will create a (xdimension_img X ydimension_img X 3) array into matlab workspace called color_img.

Now to separate three channel from that color image we can do the following

Now, lets see the images of the three channel using imshow


  1. plz if u kind enough to give me some idea about the function 1,2,3 what they mean i jst can;t clear about it.

    1. Here, I assume that color_img is an matrix of size RxCx3;

      RxCx3 means the color_img has R rows, C columns and 3 channels (R, G, B)

  2. Nice article about color separation. Thanks for sharing. We also manufacturers of Gravity Separator MachineGravity Separator Manufacturers


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